文学部 文学科
Discussion and DebateⅠ
Active communication in English単位条件
面接 1単位教員
ゴメス 近森 由美
Students will do various tasks in the text and participate in various communicative activities. Frequent communicative tasks in pairs and in groups will increase student communicative opportunities and fluency.
Students will show their mastery of communicative skills by answering questions during class, performing role plays, and participating in discussions.
Students will be graded on class participation and presentations.
Communication in class: 50%
Presentations: 40%
Homework and preparation: 10%
Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Please speak actively in English.
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授業回数別教育内容 | 身につく資質・能力 | 学習範囲 (予習・復習を含む) |
Introduction to the class Getting to know each other |
Ask questions to get information | The instructor will assign homework. | |
Who are they talking about? (Unit 2) | Describe your family and friends | The instructor will assign homework. | |
Who are they talking about? (Unit 2) | Describe your family and friends | The instructor will assign homework. | |
When do you start? (Unit 3) | Make plans for the weekend | The instructor will assign homework. | |
When do you start? (Unit 3) | Compare habits and routines with a partner | The instructor will assign homework. | |
Where does this go? (Unit 4) | Describe where things are in a room | The instructor will assign homework. | |
Where does this go? (Unit 4) | Compare where things are in a room | The instructor will assign homework. | |
How do I get there? (Unit 5) | Ask for and give directions to a place | The instructor will assign homework. | |
How do I get there? (Unit 5) | Identify places in your community | The instructor will assign homework. | |
What happened? (Unit 6) | Ask about past events | The instructor will assign homework. | |
What happened? (Unit 6) | Talk about things you did at different times in the past | The instructor will assign homework. | |
Preparation for the final presentation | Prepare for a presentation | The instructor will assign homework. | |
Preparation for the final presentation | Prepare for a presentation | The instructor will assign homework. | |
Preparation for the final presentation | Prepare for a presentation | The instructor will assign homework. | |
Final presentation | Give a presentation | There is no assignment as this is the last lesson. | |
試験 |