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Alistair MacLean (retold by Margaret Naudi) Night Without End.(Oxford University Press)2008






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1.次の1~14の文を正しい順に並び変えて1つのパラグラフにしなさい。(その場合、可能な限り and, but, so, when などの接続詞、および he, she, it, who などの代名詞を用いなさい。)
1 Mason thought that Corazzini was going to kill them.
2 Corazzini smiled and threw down a rope.
3 Mason lowered himself into the crevasse to help them.
4 Helene landed on a snow and ice bridge six metres down.
5 Mason and Jackstraw jumped to the other side of the bridge.
6 Mason heard the ice beginning to crack.
7 Helene slipped and fell into a crevasse.
8 Mason looked up.
9 Jackstraw jumped down after her.
10 Helene was then pulled to safety.
11 Mason tied a rope round Helene.
12 One side of the snow bridge collapsed.
13 Jackstraw hurt his arm as he fell.
14 Mason saw Corazzini with a gun in his hand.










2.‌次の英文は Mrs Dansby−Gregg が Helene に対する態度をどのように変えたのかについて述べている。( ) に適語を1つずつ入れ、文章を完成させなさい。
Helene worked for Mrs Dansby−Gregg as her ( ) . At first, Mrs Dansby−Gregg called her ( ), not Helene. She didn’t seem to realize that Helene’s ( ) was broken in the crash, and when she found out, she wasn’t very ( ). The next morning, she told her maid to get her a cup of ( ), although Helene was ( ). But later in the story, her feelings changed and she showed great ( ) for Helene. She called her by her ( ) name and when ( ) tried to shoot her, she ( ) her life.

3.次の英文の下線部 a) 〜 d) を日本語に訳しなさい。
I stopped insisting and turned to look at the whole group. What an odd−looking group they were! a)Dressed in their expensive suits, their hats and elegant dresses, they looked so strange against the bare, simple background of the cabin. Here we had none of the usual comforts of life ― no armchairs, carpets, or curtains. b) It was just a box of a room, five metres by four, with eight beds on one side and our scientific equipment on the other. Tins of food, most of them empty, were piled up along the third wall. c) Ice was climbing up all four walls, reaching almost up to the ceiling in the corners. There were two exits from the cabin ― d)one led to the trap−door in the ceiling, the other to the snow and ice tunnel where we kept our food, petrol and scientific equipment. At the end of the tunnel was a very basic toilet system.

















1 If the pilot had landed near the Kangalak glacier, .

2 If they had all stayed in the cabin, .

3 If Corazzini and Smallwood hadn’ t set fire to the plane, .

4 If Mason had read the newspaper article earlier, .

5 If Mason had known that Levin was Zagero’ s father, .

2.テキストの内容に照らして考えてみて、次の英文が正しいと思われる場合には○、間違っていると思われる場合には×を( )内につけ、

1 Leaving Smallwood in the crevasse was revenge, not justice, and so was a criminal act.
(      )…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

2 Shooting Corazzini and Smallwood on the tractor, even to save Solly Levin and Margaret Ross, would have been
murder, as Hillcrest said.
(      )…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

3 Solly Levin and Johnny Zagero should have revealed the fact that they were father and son.
(      )…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

4 Mahler should not have stolen the sugar.
(      )…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

5 Mrs Dansby−Gregg should have helped to bandage Helene’ s shoulder.
(      )…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

‘Tell them there’s a group of ten or twelve men coming onto the shore from a fishing−boat. They’re probably carrying guns. I’ m quite sure that they’re going to move up the glacier. a)Ask for a group of our men to be sent on shore after them ― fast!’
Just then came Hillcrest’ s excited shout from outside. ‘We can hear their tractor coming!’
b) Jackstraw, Hillcrest and I hid behind some ice−rocks and, with our rifles ready, waited. c) The tractor was still a long way off. The success of our plan depended on their tractor coming down the same side of the glacier that we were on. I looked across at Jackstraw. His face, as the glacier itself, showed no emotion. Hillcrest, on the other hand, was looking worried and unhappy. He didn’t like murder. Neither did I. But then this wasn’t murder. It was life−saving.
Saving the lives of Margaret and Solly Levin.
d)Jackstraw lay in the snow and aimed his rifle, ready to shoot. And then, suddenly, the tractor had come into sight and Jackstraw was gently lowering his rifle. e)I had taken a gamble and I had lost it. The tractor was on the far side of the glacier. Smallwood and Corazzini were more than three hundred metres away. It was impossible to shoot them.







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授業回数別教育内容 身につく資質・能力 学習範囲
ACTIVITIES; Before Reading 本文を本格的に読み始める前に、物語の粗筋を把握することができる。
107ページ 裏表紙と、開いて最初の1ページ目にある英文に目を通す
1 Monday midnight 英文を読む活動を通じて、英文法の基礎を定着させ、語彙の数を増やす。 1〜5ページ 英文解釈ができないところは、「?」を 書いておく
2 Monday 1 a.m. to 2 a.m.
ACTIVITIES: While Reading
英語の「読む」力を向上させるのと共に、ストーリーの内容を確認する。 6〜13ページ 108ページ 「点」同士を繋ぎ合わせ、理解を深める
3 Monday 2 a.m. to 3 a.m.
ACTIVITIES: While Reading
英語の「読む」力を向上させるのと共に、ストーリーの内容を確認する。 14〜24ページ 108ページ 「点」同士を繋ぎ合わせ、理解を深める
4 Monday 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.
ACTIVITIES: While Reading
英語の「読む」力を向上させるのと共に、ストーリーの内容を確認する。 25〜32ページ 109ページ 「点」同士を繋ぎ合わせ、理解を深める
5 Monday 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. 英文を読む活動を通じて、英文法の基礎を定着させ、語彙の数を増やす。 33〜42ページ 英文解釈ができないところは、「?」を書いておく
6 Monday 7 p.m. to Tuesday 7 a.m.
ACTIVITIES: While Reading
英語の「読む」力を向上させるのと共に、ストーリーの内容を確認する。 43〜51ページ 109ページ 「点」同士を繋ぎ合わせ、理解を深める
7 Tuesday 7 a.m to Tuesday midnight 英文を読む活動を通じて、英文法の基礎を定着させ、語彙の数を増やす。 52〜57ページ 英文解釈ができないところは、「?」を 書いておく
8 Wednesday 4 a.m. to 8 p.m.
ACTIVITIES: While Reading
英語の「読む」力を向上させるのと共に、ストーリーの内容を確認する。 58〜66ページ 110ページ 「点」同士を繋ぎ合わせ、理解を深める
9 Wednesday 8 p.m. to Thursday 4 p.m. 英文を読む活動を通じて、英文法の基礎を定着させ、語彙の数を増やす。 67〜74ページ 英文解釈ができないところは、「?」を 書いておく
10 Thursday 4 p.m. to Friday 6 p.m.
ACTIVITIES: While Reading
英語の「読む」力を向上させるのと共に、ストーリーの内容を確認する。 75〜85ページ 110ページ 「点」同士を繋ぎ合わせ、理解を深める
11 Friday 6 p.m. to Saturday 12.15 p.m. 英文を読む活動を通じて、英文法の基礎を定着させ、語彙の数を増やす。 86〜92ページ 英文解釈ができないところは、「?」を 書いておく
12 Saturday 12.15 p.m. to 12.30 p.m.
ACTIVITIES: While Reading
英語の「読む」力を向上させるのと共に、ストーリーの内容を確認する。 93〜102ページ 111ページ 「点」同士を繋ぎ合わせ、理解を深める
ACTIVITIES:After Reading 1〜4 話の展開を全体を通して振り返りながら、読み終えたことに充実感を味わう。 112〜114ページ 章ごとの内容を繋ぎ合わせ、物語全体を理解する
ACTIVITIES:After Reading 5〜8 話の展開を全体を通して振り返りながら、読み終えたことに充実感を味わう。 114〜115ページ 物語の世界に入り込んで、追体験を試みる