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石川達朗編「英語(Reading and Discussion)」聖徳大学短期大学部通信教育部2001を活用し、a)英語の問いに英語で答えて、b)語彙の拡充と書き換えやc)文法の学習を行い、d)問いを作って対話を始めます。テキスト後方の、解答例一覧とNotesで解答をチェックします。
英語の問答をパーソナル・コンピュータ(PC)に打ち込み、PC に音読させて、音声学習も楽しめます。課題の中で、“YOU” という形であなたの意見が求められている場合は、あなたの意見を述べましょう。課題の中で展開される「作品との対話」で、“answer, add and ask” の3aの習熟を図ります。“answers” の拡張で対話を豊かにすることができ、上手な” questions” は、対話力も拡張させることができます。


石川達朗編『英語(Reading and Discussion)』(聖徳大学短期大学部通信教育部)


Oxford Advanced Learnerʼs Dictionary(Oxford University Press)
Basic Vocabulary in Use With Answers(Cambridge University Press)


の参考文献欄に、“The Selfish Giant” と “A Dog of Flanders” の翻訳本または絵本について記入してください。






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① (p.2) 空所(  )に適切な単語を補充し、空所((  ))に((A)),((B)),((C))のいずれかの適切な文を補充して対話を完成しなさい。
X1:(  )stood here and there over the grass in the Giantʼs garden?
Y1:Beautiful flowers. ((  ))
X2:(  )(  )peach trees were there in the garden?
Y2:A dozen. (( ))
X3:(  )sat on the trees and sang?
Y3:The birds sat on the trees and sang very sweetly.
X4:(  )(  )the children do when the birds sang so sweetly?
Y4:They stopped their games and listened to them.((  ))
((A))They broke into delicate blossoms of pink and pearl in the spring time and bore rich fruit in the autumn.
((B))They looked like stars. ((C))They were very happy in the garden.

② (p.10)空所に適切な単語を補充して、対話を完成しなさい。レポートには、対話の全文を書き、補充した単語に下線を施してください。補充した単語だけ書いてもだめです。
X1:(  )happened one day?
Y1:The Giant came back to his own castle.
X2:(  )(  )the Giant(  )before he came back to his own castle?
Y2:He had been to Cornwall.
X3:(  )did the Giant stay with in Cornwall?
Y3:He stayed with his friend, a Cornish ogre.
X4:(  )(  )did he stay with his Cornish friend?
Y4:For seven years. He said all that he had to say during those seven years.
X5:(  )(  )the Giant see when he arrived at his castle?
Y5:He saw some children playing in his garden.

X1:(  )(  )the Giant say when he saw the children playing in his garden?
Y1:He actually said, “What are you doing here?” He was very angry.
X2:(  )(  )the Giant get so angry?
Y2:Because he thought it was his own garden.
X3:(  )(  )the Giant actually say?
Y3:He actually said, “My own garden is my own garden. Anyone can understand that. I will allow nobodyto play in my garden but myself.”

③ (p.16)(p.20)(p.50)空所( )に適切な単語を補充し、空所((  ))に((A)),((B)),((C)),((D)),((E)),((F))のいずれかの適切な文を補充して、対話を完成しなさい。レポートには、対話の全文を書き、補充した単語に下線を施しなさい。補充した文に((A)),((B)),((C)),((D)),((E)),((F)))の記号を必ず併記する。((A)),((B)),((C)),((D)),((E)),((F)))の記号のみを記入してもだめです。対話を完成してください。
X1:(  )(  )the Giant build a high wall?
Y1:All round the garden. He also put up a notice-board.
X2:(  )(  )the notice-board say?
Y2:Trespassers will be prosecuted.((  ))

X1:(  )you sympathize with the children?
Y1:Yes. The poor children had nowhere to play.
X2:(  )(  )the children like the road?
Y2:Because it was very dusty and full of hard stones.
X3:(  )(  )the children actually say to each other?
Y3:They actually said, “How happy we were there!”((  ))

X1:(  )(  )the trees cover themselves with blossoms?
Y1:Because they were very glad to have the children back again.
X2:(  )(  )the children run away?
Y2:Because they saw the Giant. They were frightened.((  ))
X3:Why(  )the little boy run away?
Y3:He didn’ t see the Giant coming.((  ))
X4:(  )(  )the Giant do then?
Y4:He stole up behind the little boy and put him up into the tree.
X5:(  )(  )the little boy do then?
Y5:He stretched out his two arms and flung them round the Giant’ s neck and kissed him.
X6:(  )(  )the other children come running back?
Y6:Because they saw that the Giant was not wicked any longer.((  ))
X7:(  )happened to the Giant’ s heart?
Y7:It melted.
X8:(  )(  )the Giant actually say?
Y8:He actually said, “It is your garden now, little children.”
He took a great axe and knocked down the wall of his garden.((  ))
X9:(  )(  )the Giant actually say then?
Y9:He actually said, “How selfish I was ! Now I know why the Spring would not come here.”
((A))And he made his garden the childrenʼs playground.
((B))And the garden became Winter again. ((C))And with them came the Spring.
((D))He was a very selfish giant. ((E))His eyes were full of tears.
((F))They talked about the beautiful garden inside.

④ (p.42)次の英語の指示に従って、英語で述べなさい。
Tell us much as you can about the lovely scene that the Giant saw one morning.
How were the birds, the flowers, the trees, and the trees with the children?
─ The birds were …
The flowers were …
The trees were …
The trees with the children were …

⑤ 次の1〜5の英語と(A),(B),(C),(D),(E)の英語を組み合わせて、内容が物語の内容と一致するようにしなさい。記号も必ず書いてください。記号だけ書いてもだめです。
1.(p.52)When the people were going to market at twelve o’ clock,(  )
2.(p.54)All day long the children played and(  )
3.(p.54)The Giant loved best the little boy that he put into the tree(  )
4.(p.54)The Giant felt very sad when the children said they didn’ t know(  )
5.(p.56)Since the Giant’ s first friend was never seen again,(  )
(A)because he kissed the Giant.
(B)in the evening they came to the Giant to bid him good-bye.
(C)the Giant used to say, “How I would like to see him!”
(D)they found the Giant playing with the children in the very beautiful garden.
(E)where the Giant’ s first little friend lived.

⑥ 次の英語の問いに英語で答えなさい。問いと答えを書きなさい。答えは語句のみでも可。(YOU)の記号が付されたものには、ご自身のご意見をお書きください。
1.(p.1 & p.2)Who wrote “The Selfish Giant” ?
2.(p.16)Was the Giant mindful or mindless at first?
3.(p.50)Was the Giant mindful or mindless later?
4.(p.56)Of what do you think the author stressed the importance?(YOU)
5.(p.56)Why do you think the Giant came to respect his garden?(YOU)
6.(p.62)Why did the Giant’ s face grow red with anger when he came quite close to the little child?
7.(p.62)What did the little child tell the Giant the prints of the nails were?
8.(p.66)Why did the Giant kneel in front of the little child?
9.(p.66)Why did the little child take the Giant to his garden?
10.(p.66)What was the Giant covered with when he was found lying dead?

⑦ 次の英語の問いに英語で答えなさい。それぞれの問いと. “It means” で始まる答えを書きなさい。
1.(p.7& p.121)What does the word “beautiful” used in “beautiful flowers(p.6)” mean?
─ It means …
2.(p.9 & p.121)What does the word “sweetly” used in “the birds were singing so sweetly(p.8)” mean?
─ It means …




① 次の1,2,3の英語とA,B,Cの英語を組み合わせて、内容が物語の内容と一致するようにしなさい。記号も必ず書いてください。記号だけ書いてもだめです。
1.(p.70)Nello and Patrasche were both(  ).
2.(p.70)Nello was still young, but Patrasche was already (  ).
3.(p.78)Nelloʼs mother died when Nello was (  ).
(A)of the same age by length of years. (B)old. (C)two years old.

1.(p.76)Old Jehan had been a soldier(  ).
2.(p.78)Jehanʼs daughter had died in the Ardens,(  ).
3.(p.80)Jehan and Nello lived in a very humble little mud hut, but(  ).
(A)it was clean. (B)leaving the old man her two-year-old son.
(C)who had brought from his service nothing except a wound.

1.(p.84)Patrasche had been born of parents who(  ).
2.(p.84)Patrasche had been born to the heritage of(  ).
3.(p.84)Patrasche was sold to a hardware dealer for a small price because he(  ).
(A)had laboured hard all their lives. (B)pain and toil. (C)was young..

1.(p.86)Patrasche was very strong because he(  ).
2.(p.88)It was full mid-summer and very warm. Patrasche was(  ).
3.(p.88)Patrasche fell down on a scorching highway. He(  ).
(A)came of an iron race. (B)going on along a dusty road that led to Antwerp, the city of Rubens.
(C)had not eaten anything for twenty-four hours nor tasted any water for nearly twelve hours.

1.(p.98)So the days and the years went on, and the lives of Nello and Patrasche(  ).
2.(p.100)Patrashe was grateful and content. He did his duty every day. And the eyes that he loved(  ).
3.(p.102)Nello often went to the great cathedral and murmured to Patrasche, “If I(  )
(A)could only see them!” (B)smiled down on him. (C)were happy, innocent and healthful.

② (p.72)(p.82)(p.90)(p.94)(p.96)空所に適切な単語を補充して、対話を完成しなさい。レポートには、対話の全文を書き、補充した単語に下線を施してください。補充した単語だけ書いてもだめです。
X1:( )( )is it from the Flemish village to Antwerp?
Y1:It is about 4 kilo-metres.

X1:( )was Jehan Dass?
Y1:He was too old to use his body properly.
X2:( )was the old man to the boy?
Y2:He was very gentle and good to the boy.
X3:( )young was Nello?
Y3:He was too young to work or support the old man.

X1:( )sympathized Patrasche?
Y1:A little old man who was bent and lame and very feeble.
X2:( )( )the old man do?
Y2:The old man looked at Patrasche, paused, wondered, and turned aside. He surveyed Patraschewith kind eyes of pity.
X3:( )was there with the old man?
Y3:A little child of a few years old. The little Nello and the big Patrasche first met then.

X1:( )took Patrasche to a little hut?
Y1:Jehan and Nello. They tended Patrasche with so much care.
X2:( )was Patrasche’ s sickness?
Y2:A brain seizure. It was brought on by heat and thirst and exhaustion.
X3:( )the sickness pass away?
Y3:Yes. Health and strength returned with time, shade and rest.

X1:( )( )Jehan do for a living?
Y1:He brought the milk cans to the town of Antwerp.
X2:( )gave him the employment?
Y2:The happier neighbours who owned cattle gave him the employment out of charity.
X3:( )did the work become hard work for Jehan?
Y3:Because Jehan was eighty-three years old.

X1:( )happened one morning?
Y1:Patrasche arouse and walked to the cart and placed himself between the harness.
X2:( )( )Jehan accept his offer at first?
Y2:Because he thought it a shame to bind dogs to labour.

③ 次の英語の問いに英語で答えなさい。問いと答えを書きなさい。答えは語句のみでも可。(YOU)の記号が付されたものには、ご自身のご意見をお書きください。
1.(p.82)What was Patrasche to Jehan and Nello?(YOU)
2.(p.106)How was the weather when Noël was close at hand?
3.(p.108)What happened to Jehan one night in the week before the Christmas day?
4.(p.110)Why didn’ t Patrasche stop for the pleasant meal at the warm mill kitchen?(YOU)
5.(p.112)What guided Patrasche straight to Nello in the cathedral?
6.(p.114)Who did Nello thank when he saw the Rubens at last?
7.(p.114)What did Nello actually murmur when his arm drew close the body of Patrasche?
8.(p.118)What did the people of the little village make for Nello and Patrasche after they died?.

④ 次の英語の問いに英語で答えなさい。それぞれの問いと “It means” で始まる答えを書きなさい。
1.(p.139)What does the phrase “a score of” used in “It had about a score of houses.(p72)” mean?
─ It means “ .”
2.(p.140)What does the word “very” used in “their very life(p.82)” mean? ─ It means


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授業回数別教育内容 身につく資質・能力 学習範囲
“The Selfish Giant”
“A Dog of Flanders”
英問英答、語彙の拡充、文法事項の確認 pp.2-9, pp.70-75
“The Selfish Giant”
“A Dog of Flanders”
英問英答、語彙の拡充、文法事項の確認 pp.10-15, pp.76-81
“The Selfish Giant”
“A Dog of Flanders”
英問英答、語彙の拡充、文法事項の確認 pp.16-19, pp.82-85
“The Selfish Giant”
“A Dog of Flanders”
英問英答、語彙の拡充、文法事項の確認 pp.20-25, pp.86-89
“The Selfish Giant”
“A Dog of Flanders”
英問英答、語彙の拡充、文法事項の確認 pp.26-33, pp.90-91
“The Selfish Giant”
“A Dog of Flanders”
英問英答、語彙の拡充、文法事項の確認 pp.34-37, pp.92-93
“The Selfish Giant”
“A Dog of Flanders”
英問英答、語彙の拡充、文法事項の確認 pp.38-41, pp.94-97
“The Selfish Giant”
“A Dog of Flanders”
英問英答、語彙の拡充、文法事項の確認 pp.42-47, pp.98-101
“The Selfish Giant”
“A Dog of Flanders”
英問英答、語彙の拡充、文法事項の確認 pp.48-49, pp.102-105
“The Selfish Giant”
“A Dog of Flanders”
英問英答、語彙の拡充、文法事項の確認 pp.50-53, pp.106-109
“The Selfish Giant”
“A Dog of Flanders”
英問英答、語彙の拡充、文法事項の確認 pp.54-55, pp.110-111
“The Selfish Giant”
“A Dog of Flanders”
英問英答、語彙の拡充、文法事項の確認 pp.56-57, pp.112-113
“The Selfish Giant”
“A Dog of Flanders”
英問英答、語彙の拡充、文法事項の確認 pp.58-61, pp.114-115
“The Selfish Giant”
“A Dog of Flanders”
英問英答、語彙の拡充、文法事項の確認 pp.62-65, pp.116-117
“The Selfish Giant”
“A Dog of Flanders”
英問英答、語彙の拡充、文法事項の確認 pp.66-69, pp.118-120
1) Sectionの英文の内容についての英問に英語で答える
1)と2)は、主に “A Dog of Flanders” から、3)と4)
は “The Selfish Giant” から出題。